A complex is a series of exercises performed in succession, typically with a single implement.
Challenge Complexes is a full training program, featuring 34 different BB/DB/KB complex workouts, that are great as a replacement for boring cardio, as a conditioning tool for sports, and / or as an “off” day bonus workout.
Here is a sample workout, in the style of the Challenge Complexes:
Single KB Complex SMOKER
Do 4 rounds of the following kettlebell complex PER SIDE. NO rest between movements; go thru the WHOLE SEQUENCE on one side before switching. Rest approx 30 seconds between rounds.
Recommended weights = 8k/26lb to 12k/26lb – women, 16k/35lb to 20k/44lb – men.
— 5 1 arm KB swing
— 5 KB high pull
— 5 KB snatch
— 5 KB front squat
— 5 KB push press
— 5 burpees
Now when you are using complexes in your training, it’s key to know HOW to properly put them together, for the maximum benefit, and the minimum injury risk … how many reps, how many sets to do of each move … which lifts to put first in the sequence, and why … how to structure the workout and exercise “flow” … and how much load to use.
And Challenge Complexes gives you 17 barbell complexes, 10 dumbbell complexes, and 8 kettlebell complexes – all professionally designed, using the guidelines above.
There are video demos of all the workouts so that you’ll know how to perform every exercise with perfect form, and there is also one month of “anti-aging” workouts included as a bonus with your purchase.
=> Learn More and Get Challenge Complexes here
Have a super day! –
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Personal Trainer