Yesterday’s sample workout from the Metabolic Madness Bundle offer got such a great response that I couldn’t resist sharing another one with you today!
Check out this bundle that includes 19 workout plans designed to take your body composition and metabolic efficiency to a whole new level:
–> “Metabolic Madness” Bundle offer – 19 new Metabolic, HIIT, and Metcon Workout Plans
Filthy-50 “Filthier Than Thou” – Sample Workout
Perform 10 reps of each exercise, one after the other, with little to no rest for a total of 5 ROUNDS!
— Single / Double KB Deadlifts: 10 reps
— KB Clean and Press (5 per side)
— Abs Bicycles: 10 reps
— Single KB Swings (5 per side)
— KB Goblet Squats: 10 reps
— KB 1 arm Rows (5 per side) OR Inverted Rows: 10 reps
— KB 1 arm Rows (5 per side) OR Barbell Rows: 10 reps
— Push Ups: 10 reps
— Bodyweight Lunges OR Jumping Lunges (5 per side): 10 reps
— Lateral Jump Burpees: 10 reps
These workouts are created by Funk Roberts, a former professional athlete turned Master Metabolic Trainer. Funk’s programs have helped individuals worldwide transform their bodies and fitness levels.
You can use these plans as your main workouts, add them to your existing routine, or even use them for intense “off-day” cardio sessions.
This offer is only available for a limited time. Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
–> “Metabolic Madness” Bundle offer – 19 new Metabolic, HIIT, and Metcon Workout Plans
Forest Vance, MS
Certified Personal Trainer
PS – The “Metabolic Madness” Bundle offer, inlcudes all of the workouts plans listed below:
— Lactic Acid Interval Training
— HIIT Workouts
— Filthy 50’s
— Dirty 30’s
— Complex Workouts
— EMOM Workouts
— Mega Metabolic Madness
— Bodybuilding HIIT 2.0
— Metabolic Exhaustion Workouts
— FunkWOD
— Metabolic Chaos
— Bodyweight 500
— 1000 Rep Workouts
— Fight Gone Bad Circuits
— German Volume SuperSets
— Metcon Madness
— Bodyweight Metabolic Circuits
— Upper-Lower Body Metabolic Workouts
— Tabata Super 6
–> “Metabolic Madness” Bundle offer – 19 new Metabolic, HIIT, and Metcon Workout Plans