Kettlebell EMOM GAINZ Workout

You may have heard about EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) workouts… but how can you make the most of this training format with kettlebells and get maximum GAINZ?!

Well, let me introduce you to today’s Kettlebell EMOM GAINZ Workout 🙂

EMOM workouts are fantastic for achieving significant fitness results. They not only improve cardiovascular and muscle endurance but also help burn more calories in a shorter time period due to the high level of intensity during short bursts.

For today’s session, I’ve also combined this EMOM concept with three critical factors for muscle growth. Firstly, we increase mechanical tension by adding load. Secondly, we induce muscle damage by pushing the intensity in specific exercises in specific ways. And lastly, we create metabolic stress by structuring sets and reps to maximize the pump.

You’re going to get the benefits of both worlds!

If you enjoyed today’s workout and want more programs like it, then my friend Funk Robert’s Metabolic Mayhem bundle is perfect for you. With 19 full programs catering to various goals, it offers a wide range of workouts that will keep you on track towards achieving your fitness objectives. It’s currently on sale, follow this link -> Metabolic Mayhem” Kettlebell Smackdown bundle!

-Forest @ +


Kettlebell EMOM GAINZ Workout – written in the style of –>> 19 Metabolic / HIIT / Metcon Workout Programs

Part 1 – Perform four rounds of the superset below, resting approx :30 between exercises and :60 between rounds. Your goal is to progress this superset by adding weight to one, two, three or all sets by the end of the Challenge!

– Split squats – 8 reps per side – KB in suitcase position

– 1 arm KB press – 5 reps per side

Part 2 – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds. At the beginning of the first 60 second interval, complete the prescribed number of reps of the first exercise. Your rest period is the time between you complete the prescribed number of reps, and the second interval starts. At the beginning of the second 60 second interval, complete the prescribed number of reps of the second exercise. Your rest period is the time between you complete the prescribed number of reps, and the third interval starts. Continue in this fashion, completing a total of three rounds non-step of the circuit of exercises below:

– 20 side to side Squat jumps – :45

– Plank hold w/ opp shoulder tap

– Chin up hold (:30) OR pull ups (7) OR :45 skydiver hold

– Burpees – 10 (you pick the modification / version that works for you!)

Part 3 – Set your timer for 4 minutes. Do as many rounds as you can of the circuit below, trying not to set the kettlebell down:

– 5 KB halos

– 5 KB slingshots per side

*If you enjoyed today’s workout and want more programs like it, then my friend Funk Robert’s Metabolic Mayhem bundle is perfect for you. With 19 full programs catering to various goals, it offers a wide range of workouts that will keep you on track towards achieving your fitness objectives. It’s currently on sale, follow this link -> Metabolic Mayhem” Kettlebell Smackdown bundle!

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