Kettlebell EMOM GAINZ Workout

You may have heard about EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) workouts… but how can you make the most of this training format with kettlebells and get maximum GAINZ?!

Well, let me introduce you to today’s Kettlebell EMOM GAINZ Workout πŸ™‚

EMOM workouts are fantastic for achieving significant fitness results. They not only improve cardiovascular and muscle endurance but also help burn more calories in a shorter time period due to the high level of intensity during short bursts.

For today’s session, I’ve also combined this EMOM concept with three critical factors for muscle growth. Firstly, we increase mechanical tension by adding load. Secondly, we induce muscle damage by pushing the intensity in specific exercises in specific ways. And lastly, we create metabolic stress by structuring sets and reps to maximize the pump.

You’re going to get the benefits of both worlds!

If you enjoyed today’s workout and want more programs like it, then my friend Funk Robert’s Metabolic Mayhem bundle is perfect for you. With 19 full programs catering to various goals, it offers a wide range of workouts that will keep you on track towards achieving your fitness objectives. It’s currently on sale, follow this link -> Metabolic Mayhem” Kettlebell Smackdown bundle!

-Forest @ +


Kettlebell EMOM GAINZ Workout – written in the style of –>>Β 19 Metabolic / HIIT / Metcon Workout Programs

Part 1 – Perform four rounds of the superset below, resting approx :30 between exercises and :60 between rounds. Your goal is to progress this superset by adding weight to one, two, three or all sets by the end of the Challenge!

– Split squats – 8 reps per side – KB in suitcase position

– 1 arm KB press – 5 reps per side

Part 2 – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds. At the beginning of the first 60 second interval, complete the prescribed number of reps of the first exercise. Your rest period is the time between you complete the prescribed number of reps, and the second interval starts. At the beginning of the second 60 second interval, complete the prescribed number of reps of the second exercise. Your rest period is the time between you complete the prescribed number of reps, and the third interval starts. Continue in this fashion, completing a total of three rounds non-step of the circuit of exercises below:

– 20 side to side Squat jumps – :45

– Plank hold w/ opp shoulder tap

– Chin up hold (:30) OR pull ups (7) OR :45 skydiver hold

– Burpees – 10 (you pick the modification / version that works for you!)

Part 3 – Set your timer for 4 minutes. Do as many rounds as you can of the circuit below, trying not to set the kettlebell down:

– 5 KB halos

– 5 KB slingshots per side

*If you enjoyed today’s workout and want more programs like it, then my friend Funk Robert’s Metabolic Mayhem bundle is perfect for you. With 19 full programs catering to various goals, it offers a wide range of workouts that will keep you on track towards achieving your fitness objectives. It’s currently on sale, follow this link -> Metabolic Mayhem” Kettlebell Smackdown bundle!

21-Day Holiday KB Fat Loss (detailed plan inside)

*Sign up for the 21-day Kettlebell Holiday Shred Challenge – last call –

The holiday season is upon us! 

And we all know what that means…the potential for those extra pounds to sneak up.

But fear not, because I’ve got a simple 3-step plan that can help you lose fat without the hassle of sticking to a strict meal plan. 

Plus, you can still enjoy all your favorite foods!


STEP 1 – Figure out your starting targets. 

Let me use myself as an example. 

Currently, I weigh 240 pounds, and my goal is to lose 1% of my body weight per week over the next three weeks, which comes out to 2.4 pounds of fat loss each week.

To achieve this, I need to create an 8400 kcal deficit each week, which breaks down to around 1200 kcals per day.

So HOW would I do this?

Well – right now, I’m burning about 3170 kcals per day based, on data from my trusty Garmin watch.

So here’s the game plan:

– First off, I’ll aim to burn an extra 200 kcals per day by switching up my training style and approach (think faster-paced metabolic workouts). This should get me an additional boost of 100 kcals per day. On top of that, I’ll make sure to take an extra 2000 steps every day (another bonus +100 kcals).

– Secondly, I’ll cut back on my daily caloric intake by a whopping grand total of…drumroll please…1000 kcals! So that leaves me with a target of around 2200 calories intake for the entire day.

Sure, there might be moments when hunger strikes and it won’t be a walk in the park. But hey, it won’t be so severe that I’ll be risking falling off track altogether.


STEP 2 – Create your eating plan.

We are going to help you to lose fat, without the hassle of sticking to a strict meal plan. 

So all we’re going to track are calories and protein.

First, take your daily calorie target and divide it by the number of meals you plan to eat.

For example, if your calorie target is 2200 and you want to eat four meals a day:

2200 / 4 = 550 calories per meal

Next, calculate your protein intake. Aim for consuming grams of protein equal to your body weight each day. Divide this number by the number of meals to determine your protein goal per meal.

If you weigh 240 pounds and plan on eating four meals a day:

240 / 4 = 60 grams of protein per meal

You can then allocate the remaining calories from carbohydrates, fats, from any other food sources that you prefer.


STEP 3 – Design Your Workout Plan.

Your workout plan should be tailored specifically for you based on your current fitness level.

Strength training serves as the foundation for your program, and kettlebell workouts are an excellent choice.

In addition to strength training, incorporating cardiovascular exercises will help train your heart and burn extra calories.

Don’t forget about regular activity either! For most individuals, achieving a goal of walking 10,000 steps can burn approximately 400 calories.


There you have it β€” a simplified version of the KBs’ Rapid Fat Loss Plan for the Holidays. 

Please note that this is just a high-level overview!

If you’re interested in detailed plans and support, I encourage you to join our 21-day Holiday KB Fat Loss Challenge. Here is the link: ->

I’m excited about working with you!

– Forest

KB “Snatch Ladder” Low-Impact Cardio Workout

Regular cardio is essential for maintaining heart health. Additionally, if your goal is to shed excess fat and maintain a lean physique, incorporating cardio into your routine can be highly beneficial for more calorie burn!

Now running was something I relied on for YEARS as a highly efficient way to get my cardio done. I could get my heart rate up quick, burn a solid amount of calories, and feel very productive in a short amount of time – 30 or 45 minutes!

HOWEVER – the problem is, as the years have ticked by, running seems to be harder and harded on the joints. There are some ways I still incorporate it into my routine (things like rucking and sprinting are two things that I still like and my body sesms to tolerate)… but that’s why kettlebells are also a staple of my cardio plan.

*If you want a full kettlebell plan that’s focused on helping you get low-impact cardio to burn more calories in less time, check out our upcoming 21-day Holiday Shred Challenge, starting Monday Dec 4th:

-> Lose 7-10 Pounds with KBs in 21 Days


Take the kettlebell snatch test we have to do to become RKC certified, for example. Complete the test itself – 100 KB snatches in 5 minutes with a 53 lb KB (men) or 16 lb KB (women), and you are TOAST! Your heart rate is EXTREMELY high after doing this test (if you can survive!), not to mention how it stays elevated for a period of time afterwards, and you continue to burn calories at a high rate for a while too.

This is not even to mention, the workouts you do in prep for doing a test like this. You might do something like KB snatch ladders a couple / few of times per week for a couple / few months leading up to the cert:


KB “Snatch Ladder” Low-Impact Cardio Workout


Set your timer for 30 second intervals.

First interval, do 4 reps on the right side.

Your rest is the time it takes you to complete the set until the next 30
second interval starts.

Second interval, do 4 reps on the left side.

Repeat for 9 rounds on EACH side, INCREASING the reps by one per side
till you get to 8, THEN going back down the β€œladder”.

So you’ll go:



Do that KB snatch workout (or even some scaled-down version of it!)… and TELL me you don’t get a tremendous cardiovascular workout!!

To sum up, cardiovascular exercise is something you need to be doing. Activities like running can be highly efficient, but they are also higher impact on the body, and as we age, lower impact replacements are great to find. Kettlebells can be one of those lower impact replacements, and the sample kettlebell snatch ladder workout I shared with you today is a great example of how you can get some tremendous cardio exercise with kettlebells in a low impact way.

If you want a full kettlebell plan that’s focused on helping you get low-impact cardio to burn more calories in less time, check out our upcoming 21-day Holiday Shred Challenge, starting Monday Dec 4th:

-> Lose 7-10 Pounds with KBs in 21 Days

-Forest and the FVT Team — —