My Personal Workout Plan (sample deadlift + double KB complex day)

Frequently, folks email in asking about what I do for a workout on a typical day.

So, thought I’d share with you my overall workout “template” – in case you have similar goals, and want to model it.

My current goals are:

– keep the aches and pains at bay
– gain strength and lean muscle
– if needed, be ready at any given time to take on a variety of physical challenges – these days, I don’t need to specialize and be an awesome strength athlete, but I want to be able to say run a 5k, or play pick-up basketball for 45 mins, do 10 pull ups, do a pistol squat, press a half-body weight kettlebell over head, bench press 1.5x my body weight, snatch a 24k KB 100 times in 5 mins, etc.

With that in mind, here is what I’m doing for my workouts currently:

– I do flexiblity and mobility work EVERY day – first thing in the AM when I wake up for 5-10 mins, and for 5-10 mins before every workout
– I do 3-4 days a week of work right now of barbell work, rotating between the “big” lifts each strength day (military press, deadlift, bench press, back squat)
– On the military press and bench press days, I do some extra upper body work – like chins, push ups, direct arm work, etc.
– On the deadlift and squat days, I do some kind of “finisher” (like I’ll show you here in just a sec) – this could be with kettlebells, body weight, whatever
– And on two or three other days I’ll do some kind of conditioning – getting outside is awesome, so try to do that – typically sprints or riding my bike

Cool thing is, this works great because it is regimented and planned, but also allows for some flexibility.

I get my strength work – which NEEDS to be planned over time to get the best results – but I can also “plug in” workouts as “finishers”, and on conditioning days, from different and new programs, and still keep the workouts interesting.

Here is the what I did for a recent workout:

** For more info on the Complete FVT Hybrid Barbell Training system – which incorporates the basic barbell lifts with kettlebell and body weight moves, so that you can build strength, lose fat, feel great and be fit ALL at the SAME TIME – click HERE **

1 – Warm Up (30 sec ea, 2x thru the circuit)

12 body weight squats
6 push ups with rotation
15 jumping jacks
10 leg swings each leg

2 – Strength work

trap bar deadlift – 4×5, work up to 295 on last set
(pair with)
walking lunge, body weight only, 3×8 each leg

3 – Double KB Complex

KB suitcase dead 5
double KB swing 5
double KB clean 5
double KB front squat 5
double KB push press 5

Five rounds of this complex, set KB down and rest about 30 seconds between rounds

So, there is my workout template. It works great to keep me strong, keep the aches and pains at bay, and maintain a decent level of overall fitness at the same time.

Feel free to model and use it to plan your own workouts.

Train hard, and talk soon –

Forest Vance

PS – For more info on the Complete FVT Hybrid Barbell Training system – which incorporates the basic barbell lifts with kettlebell and body weight moves, so that you can build strength, lose fat, feel great and be fit ALL at the SAME TIME – click HERE

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