Here’s a jump rope workout you can do as part of a workout as your “metabolic conditioning” piece … OR even as a short, stand-alone, full body high intensity routine.
This one takes me about 7 minutes to complete if I use a 32 kilo ‘bell, and really push the pace –
Can you beat my time? Give it a try, and let me know! 😉
Simple – but TOUGH – 7 Minute Kettlebell / Bodyweight / Jump Rope Workout
*Take the 21 day “Dominate Your Double Unders” Challenge to improve your jump rope skills and potentially take MINUTES off your time for workouts like this one*
10 kettlebell “ground to overhead
5 pull ups
(if standard pull ups are too hard, do 10 recline rows instead … if they are too easy, add weight!)
15 double unders
Do 4 rounds as FAST as possible!
Enjoy! 😉
– Forest Vance
PS – You can search all around, but you’ll have a hard time finding a better course than “Dominate Your Double Unders” when it comes to learning how to PROPERLY jump rope – from the basics, to dominating your double unders: