Your KB Workout for Today

The purpose of today’s post is to give you an idea of how I run my Elite KB Coaching program.

As one of my Elite KB Coaching Clients, you have a workout that you follow each day, that is custom designed for you, your specific goals, equipment you have access to and time you have available to train, etc (the one below is just an example) –

And of course, I give you videos that show you how to do each movement with perfect form – again the workout below is just for example purposes.

So you follow the workout exactly as outlined by me … you record how it went, how much weight you used for each exercise, if you have questions about proper technique when doing any of the moves, or anything else …

And we work TOGETHER in this way towards your goals.

Can you see how POWERFUL this is?


Here is your workout for today:

(warm up, do each exercise for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds between moves, repeat for 2 rounds total) – seal jacks, side lunge with skip, inchworm with push up, bodyweight SLDL

1 – Barbell Deadlift – 5 sets, 3 reps each, work up to 87% of one rep max on last set.  Rest approx 3 mins between sets.  Take a quick video with your phone and send it to me to review to check form.

2 – 4 Rounds, As Fast As Possible –

— double KB push press – 5 reps
— KB snatch – reps / side
— burpee – 5 reps

(stretch tight muscle groups to cool down)


Now that workout is short and efficient … but it is specifically designed for someone who is looking to gain more total body strength … lean muscle … and keep their conditioning levels up.

It’s one of three workouts they would do per week.

And it’s custom designed with the equipment they have available to train with in mind – just like your workout will be.

SO …

If you are looking to make a SERIOUS body transformation using kettlebells as your training tool of choice …

If you have some KB training experience, but are looking to take it to the next level …

If you have no major injuries or limitations with your workouts …

And you can commit to working HARD …

You can inquire about one of the four spots I have remaining in my Elite KB Coaching program by filling out the short form at the link below:

And I’ll get back with you ASAP.

Thanks – train hard – and have a great day! –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor

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