Today’s workout is a boot-camp style workout for “regular folks”, inspired by my (American) football background.
This is a (shortened) version of what our workouts looked like back in the day.
We’d start with a dynamic warm up … move to some strength work … head outside for conditioning … and finish with some core work / stretching.
Hope this helps as you plan your training for 2017.
*You’ll get the full version of this workout – with video exercise descriptions and more – as part of my Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts Mega Pack, on sale this weekend for Black Friday / Cyber Monday:
=> Forest Vance Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale
Football Boot Camp Workout
1 – Dynamic Warm – Up:
Lunge With Reach – 10 each leg
Inch Worm – 10 each leg
Sumo Squat to Stand – 10 each leg
Repeat this circuit two times non-stop.
2 – Strength Circuit:
Deadlift – 5 Repetitions
Double KB Push Press – 8 Repetitions
Alternate these exercises for ten minutes, resting as needed. Use around 60-70% of your 1RM on the deadlift, and around 50-60% on the push press.
3 – Conditioning Circuit:
Run ~ 200 yards
20 Jumping Jacks
Run ~ 200 yards
20 Mountain Climbers
Run ~ 200 yards
20 Body Weight Squats
Run ~ 200 yards
10 Squat Jumps
Repeat sequence for ten minutes for as many rounds as possible. This workout is best done on a track where you can simply run half a lap for your 200 yards, or on a football field, where you can run the length of the field and back.
4 – Ab Circuit:
Planks :30 hold
Dead Bug – 10 (per side)
Repeat this sequence three times, resting as needed.
5 – Flexibility:
Pick three tight muscle groups for a static stretch, hold each for 30 seconds.
Remember – this workout is just one of 72 you get in the KB Boot Camp Workouts Mega-Pack.
And if you’ve been thinking about picking up a copy, be sure to check it out – along with the rest of the deals you can get this weekend – at the page below.
You’ll kick yourself if you miss this! 🙂
=> Forest Vance Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale
Signing off for now –
– Forest Vance