[new video] Drill for Pain-Free Single Kettlebell Cleans

The single kettlebell clean can be a challenge to learn.

I speak from experience – for me, it was one of the tricker KB moves to really get down.

The “towel-under-the-arm” drill that you’ll see in today’s video has worked wonders though when it has come to eliminating the typical thump on the wrist and forearm in the catch:

The drill starts from the rack position.

Grab a partner, and have them put a small towel between your upper arm and your torso.

Then, perform a few reps of the clean, keeping the arm “pinned” to the body …

… don’t let the towel fall out!

It’s a simple, but highly effective drill that will help you keep the KB in the correct “groove”, teach you how to use your hips, and more.

Watch the video, give it a try today 🙂

– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement


GET – CORE Kettlebell System (for fit pros, serious KB fans – includes full “Kettlebell Hacks” skills / drills video program):

CORE Kettlebell System

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