AMRAP is an acronym that stands for “As Many Reps As Possible” OR “As Many Rounds As Possible”
It is a perfect format for building intensity, conditioning, endurance, and mental toughness.
I use the format frequently in my workout programming, such as in the 28 Day KB Shred Challenge (details below)
Here is an example from this morning’s boot camp sessions at FVT:
15 min Kettlebell / Bodyweight AMRAP
Do as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes of:
5 1 arm KB press right
5 1 arm KB press left
(recommneded weights = 8k/12k women; 16k/20k men)
16 alternating reverse lunges (8 per side)
15 two hand KB swing (recommended weights = 16k+ women; 24k+ men)
12 ring rows
7 burpees
These type of workouts are great for tracking your gains, and progressing your workouts as you get stronger.
Because if you take workout like this and repeat it, say, one time per month, you can see if you are getting MORE rounds / reps – and if your fitness level is quantifiably improving.
NOTE: It is VERY important to program these workouts intelligently. This would include – making sure you are hitting all of your major movement patterns; that you are programming the RIGHT rep range of each movement for both the results you are after, maximum safety, etc; that workouts fit together in the big picture and are progressing you intelligently towards a goal; and much more. This is why – unless you are a highly qualified and in-the-trenches experienced fitness professional, I do not recommend putting your own workouts together. Get programs that are tested and proven so that you can get the best results.
To sum up – your goals include fat loss, endurance, and better overall fitness, I recommend incorporating AMRAP workouts like the one in today’s article into your routine!
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
++ Attention kettlebell fans! ++
We are looking for 33 people to join us for our upcoming 28 Day KB Shred Challenge (kicks off Monday, April 2nd – keep reading if you are interested, link to apply is at the bottom of this message)
If you’re frustrated with the results you’re getting from your current training program …
If you’re ready to take things to the next level …
My 28 Day KB Challenge could be EXACTLY what you need to make it happen.
I’m Forest Vance from We have one of the biggest kettlebell communities in the entire world, reaching over 100,000 people daily via our email newlsetter and social media following.
We run several of these online Challenges each year, and the participants get incredible results.
This is my personal invite to YOU to apply for our upcoming 28 Day KB Challenge, kicking off Monday, April 2nd, 2018!
Now this Challenge is NOT for everyone.
First requirement is that you need to have a kettlebell or two to do the workouts. You don’t need 5 or 10 or 20 or anything like that – but you do need one or two, ideally a 8k or 12k and a 16k or 20k for women, and a 12k or 16k and a 20k or 24k for men.
Second, you need to be able to commit the time to do the workouts. Three to four times per week, 20-30 minutes is what you’ll need.
Third, we have a complete meal planning guide we give to you when you sign up that tells you exactly how and what to eat – you need to be able to commit to following that (or following your own plan that you know works for you, but be committed to focusing on and dialing in your diet) for at least the 28 days, to really get the best results.
And finally, you need to be SERIOUS about making a change, and be willing to come into the Challenge and the group with a positive, can-do attitude.
Ready to rock?
Sumbit your interest form at the link below, look forward to hearing from you: