Labor Day “Reverse Ladder” KB Workout

*Our Sept Challenge starts tomorrow! We have a few spots left, and there is still time to apply … but if you want in, please do so ASAP:

=> KBs for Fat Loss Challenge

I am about to head into the gym this morning to lead a special Labor Day boot camp workout.

The nature of being in the fitness industry means that you end up working a lot of times when everyone else is off – nights, weekends, Holidays …

… but honestly, for the most part, I enjoy it!

I ususally miss traffic going into and coming home from work.

Plus, people are generally in a good mood, and not as rushed to be somewhere at a specific time, because they don’t have the stress of work in the back of their mind.

Anyway, here is main part of the workout I have planned for today. If you can’t make it to FVT this morning, try it at home! 😉


Labor Day “Reverse Ladder” KB Workout

Set your timer. Complete the sequence below as fast as possible. Rest as needed, and make great form a priority:

20 two hand KB swing
5 1 arm KB press per side
10 walking goblet lunge per side
20 inverted row
10 burpees

16 two hand KB swing
4 1 arm KB press per side
8 walking goblet lunge per side
16 inverted row
8 burpees

12 two hand KB swing
3 1 arm KB press per side
6 walking goblet lunge per side
12 inverted row
6 burpees

8 two hand KB swing
2 1 arm KB press per side
4 walking goblet lunge per side
8 inverted row
4 burpees

4 two hand KB swing
1 1 arm KB press per side
2 walking goblet lunge per side
4 inverted row
2 burpees


Hope that you enjoy that workout, and that you have a great day.

And don’t forget – out Sept Challenge starts tomorrow! We have a few spots left, and there is still time to apply … but if you want in, please do so ASAP:

=> KBs for Fat Loss Challenge

To your success –

– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

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