Can you believe it’s Labor Day Weekend already?
The summer has flown by!!
Well the kids are headed back to school, and we are getting back into our regular routines.
And for a lot of us, this means getting consistent with our workout program again.
Here is a special Labor Day Weekend KB Circuit to get you started – you can do this any time, any place, with just a couple of KBs, in about 12 or 15 minutes:
On the first round, do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 30 seconds. On the second round, do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 45 seconds. On the first third round, do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 60 seconds:
– Two hand KB swing (recommended weight – 12k / 16k women, 20k / 24k men)
– Cross – body mountain climber
– Alternating reverse lunge
– KB towel curl (recommended weight – 8k / 12k women, 16k / 20k men)
– Burpee
Hope this little workout helps get you started, and back into your kettlebell routine.
If you are looking to really get serious and get on a program that’s going to help you focus and get the best possible results, also be sure to check out the September 2018 KBs for Fat Loss Challenge:
September 2018 KBs for Fat Loss Challenge
Thanks for reading, and to your success! –
– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement