“Beat the Clock” Kettlebell Ladder Challenge Workout

Want to improve your kettlebell game, see how you stack up, and give yourself a serious challenge?

Try this “Beat the Clock” Kettlebell Ladder Challenge Workout!

This will push you both physically AND mentally, and it’s also a great test of your fitness level.

And stay tuned – our 28-day Kettlebell Ladder Challenge – where you’ll be doing workouts like this one and working towards a leaner, stronger, fitter version of yourself in the next 4 weeks – opens for sign up tomorrow.

Let’s get right into it:


“Beat the Clock” Kettlebell Ladder Challenge Workout

Set your timer for 30 second intervals.

In the first 30 second interval, do 2 kettlebell swings (24k for men, 16k for women). Your rest is the time between when you finish the prescribed number of reps and when the next interval starts.

In the second 30 second interval, you’ll do 2 push ups ..

In the third 30 second interval, you’ll do 1 KB goblet squat (24k for men, 16k for women) ..

And in the fourth 30 second interval, you’ll do 1 burpee.

That’s one round.

Keep the timer going, and start “climbing the ladder” …

So the second round looks like this:

– 4 swings
– 4 push ups
– 2 squats
– 2 burpees

And the third round looks like this:

– 6 swings
– 6 push ups
– 3 squat
– 3 burpees

Continue in this fashion until no longer possible.

A score of “7” is solid – that would be getting to:

– 14 swings
– 14 push ups
– 7 squat
– 7 burpees

“8” is great …

“9” is elite …

“10” is your MAX score:

– 20 swings
– 20 push ups
– 10 squats
– 10 burpees

… but if you’re using the prescribed weights and doing this with 100% legit form, this is VERY TOUGH. Only a small handful out of hundreds and hundreds of folks we’ve put through this workout have done it.

Give this “Beat the Clock” Kettlebell Ladder Challenge a try, and let me know how you do.

And here’s to your continued success! –

– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

PS – Stay tuned – our 28-day Kettlebell Ladder Challenge – where you’ll be doing workouts like this one and working towards a leaner, stronger, fitter version of yourself in the next 4 weeks – opens for sign up tomorrow.

[new vid] the Kettlebell Rack Carry

The Kettlebell Rack Carry

The kettlebell rack carry is a great movement for core strengthening. It’s also awesome to work into GPP (general physical preparedness) – type conditioning workouts, as there are so many situations in life and sport where you end up needing the strength and endurance to carry a heavy load for a period of time!

Here’s how to do it:

1 – Start by cleaning a kettlebell up to the rack position.

2 – Sink your ribs to enagage your abdominals.

3 – Take a walk!

Check out the video at the link below:

=> the Kettlebell Rack Carry

If you like today’s video, be sure to grab the full CORE Kettlebell Beginner’s Guide free (for a limited time) at this link: http://bit.ly/corekbbeginner

…and stay tuned for more kettlebell exercise videos like this one!

– Forest Vance
Master Trainer
Kettlebell Expert

Special Forces Kettlebell-Bodyweight Abs Workout

Special forces and special operations forces (SOF) are military units trained to conduct special operations.

They are some of the physically and mentally toughest men walking the planet. And they need strong cores to run longer, conserve energy and prevent injury while carrying heavy loads.

You may not be in combat in remote areas of the world, but is a workout to help you train your core like they do:


Special Forces Kettlebell-Bodyweight Abs Workout

in the style of SpecForce Abs – 6 week training plan

1 – Suspension Trainer Plank Hold

Your hands will be in the handles of your suspension trainer or rings, your feet will be set at the same level on a box or bench, and you will be in a “high plank” / top of push up position.

This prepares you for full-body stabilization in unstable environments. This one will be tough, you will want to quit!… but keep going, and you’ll end up with a stronger core.

Hold for three sets, as long as you can, resting about one minute between efforts.

*If you don’t have a suspension trainer, you can swap this one out with a regular plank hold on the floor.

2 – Overhead weighted carries

Supporting a large load overhead is critical for various missions and tasks that special forces perform.

Grip a heavy kettlebell in each hand, lift them directly over your shoulders, tighten your core and glutes to prevent hyperextending your lower back, and walk for distance. Do three walks of 100 feet, resting one minute between sets.

*If you only have one kettlebell, you can do this one with a single KB at a time.

3 – Bear crawls

Special forces operations are often forced into unnatural positions and must stand or support themselves for long periods of time. Crawling increases your upper-body strength and gives your core a crazy workout.

Get into crawling position, keep your core tight, your hands right under your shoulders, and your knees right under your hips. Crawl continuously for 60 seconds, rest for 60 seconds between sets, and do three rounds total.


I created this workout in the style of the SpecForce Abs program.

The course is created by Tactical Fitness Expert Tood Lamb.

He’ll help you turn your core into a perfectly functioning, injury-proof, high performance machine:

=> SpecForce Abs

Keep training hard, and if you want stronger, better-looking, more functional abs, this workout is for you!

– Forest Vance