I wanted to share a workout routine with you that’s inspired by the strength-building routines of prisoners.
These guys have managed to get seriously strong despite the limited space and lack of equipment in their cells or yards.
Introducing the “Deck of Pain” workout – here’s how it works:
1 – Grab a standard deck of 52 cards and assign one of the exercises below (or a variation) to each suit:
— Clubs – Squats
— Spades – Push Ups
— Hearts – Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
— Diamonds – Hanging or Lying Leg Raises
2 – Start drawing cards from the top and let the fun begin. The suit on the card determines the exercise, while the number tells you the number of reps to perform. Face cards count as 10, and aces count as 11.
3 – Keep drawing cards and performing the corresponding movements until you’ve completed the entire deck.
This workout is tough and fun way to build muscle, burn fat, and develop superhuman conditioning.
Plus, you can do it anytime, anywhere, with minimal-to-zero equipment.
Give it a go and experience the benefits for yourself!
Keep up the great work –
— Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net
PS – Exciting news – my “Bodyweight Beast Building” course will be on sale later this week. If you enjoyed today’s sample workout, stay tuned because you’re going to absolutely love Bodyweight Beast Building…