17-min Sunday Recovery-Focused Workout

I hope you’re having a fantastic Sunday on this holiday weekend!

I went to a car show called “Greaserama” yesterday in Platte City, MO. If you like all things DIY, high performance vintage cars with a touch (or a lot) of rust, Rat Fink art, monsters, and punk rock music – it’s an absolute blast!

Anyway, days like today are perfect for a “recovery-focused” workout. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning after a hard training week, my body can feel pretty sore. But you know what’s funny? If I actually do a workout, I often end up feeling better!

If you’re interested, I also have a new program that combines Recovery Focused workouts with Metabolic Strength Training and Functional Cardio and Abs workouts. It’s designed to give you efficient exercises that keep your cortisol levels under control while allowing you to achieve amazing results in a short amount of time, all from the comfort of your own home. Check out the course at the link below:

=> 60-year-old “Ripped Grandpa” home workout

Now, let me share with you a 17-minute Recovery-Focused Workout that will leave you feeling refreshed on this Sunday morning. Cheers!

— Forest @ KettlebellBasics.net


17-min Sunday Recovery-Focused Workout

Perform each exercise for the designated time before moving on to the next one. Rest for about 30 seconds between sets. Complete a total of five rounds:

  • Jumping Jacks: 30 seconds
  • Reverse Plank: 30 seconds
  • Punches: 30 seconds
  • Knee Crunches: 30 seconds
  • Side Kicks: 30 seconds
  • Seated Twisting Punch: 30 seconds

1 Tip to Fix Your KB Cleans

Are your wrists getting banged up when you’re doing kettlebell cleans? Here’s a quick tip that might help:

Instead of casting the kettlebell too far out from your body, try facing towards a wall and getting as close as possible.

This will keep the arc of the clean tighter to your body, resulting in a smoother movement and less impact on your wrists.

Check out the video below for a breakdown of the drill – and have a great day!

-Forest Vance — head trainer @ KettlebellBasics 1-to-1 Remote KB Coaching for Men and Women Over 40

–>> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9ADX0SV7x_I