2x Your Push Ups in 30 Days Plan [example week]

For the last couple of days, we’ve been talking about how to do more pull ups using the Pull Up Progression Method.

Today I want to highlight another bonus you get with the Physique Zero course – the the “Push Up Mastery” guide!

-> “Physique Zero” + Full “2x Your Push Ups in 30 Days” plan

This program is designed to increase reps and volume each day for 30 days. You need to see the full plan to understand how it works, but the example daily push up progression below, written in the style of the Push Up Mastery Guide, should give you a general idea. There is both a beginner and advanced version of the program so you can start with the plan that works best for you depending on your fitness level.


2x Your Push Ups in 30 Days Plan [example week]


Day 1: Perform a set of push-ups to failure (+Active recovery – other kettlebell workout / etc.)
Day 2: Active recovery – other kettlebell workout / etc.
Day 3: Perform 3 sets at 50% of max reps with 45 seconds rest between sets. (+Active recovery – other kettlebell workout / etc.)
Day 4: Isometric holds at the bottom of the push-up position for 30 seconds each, repeated for 3 sets. (+Active recovery – other kettlebell workout / etc.)
Day 5: Dynamic warm-up followed by 2 sets of push-ups at 60% of max reps with 60 seconds rest between sets. (+Active recovery – other kettlebell workout / etc.)


For the full program that will help you do more push ups, click the link below:

-> “Physique Zero” + Full “2x Your Push Ups in 30 Days” plan

Good luck doubling your push ups in 30 days!

-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Over 40 Training Specialist

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