15-Minute “Lifetime Kettlebell” Workout [Free Sample]

Kettlebells are an incredible way to build muscle, improve your balance, and increase your flexibility. 

That’s why they’re perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels!

Today, I’m excited to share a sample 15-minute kettlebell workout that’s ideal for getting started.

Grab a kettlebell, and let’s do this:

15-Minute “Lifetime Kettlebell” Workout [Free Sample] – from Over-50 KB Revolution

Perform as many reps as possible for each exercise in 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds between moves and take a 1-minute break between rounds. Complete 3 rounds in total:

  • Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings
  • 1 + 1/2 Split Squat (30 seconds per side)
  • Single Arm Kettlebell Swings (15 seconds per side)
  • T Push-Ups
  • Hand-to-Hand / DARC Kettlebell Swings

Believe it or not, we can keep training hard as we age! We just need to be a bit smarter about it. Working out the same way we did in our 20s can lead to injuries. Considerations such as:

  • Work-rest ratio
  • Balancing work for all muscle groups over the day/week/month
  • Overall workout volume
  • Proper form

Today’s workout is a perfect example of incorporating these principles to help you stay active, eliminate the pain of aging, and feel up to 20 years younger! If you enjoy it, be sure to check out the full Over-50 KB Revolution plan – it’s on sale this week:

-> Over-50 KB Revolution (Flash Sale)

Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist

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