Huge thanks to everyone who entered the Kettlebell Challenge Workouts give-away contest … I was seriously shocked by the response. As I write this, we have a total of 99 comments on the entry post!
My assistant wanted me to pass along that she had a really tough time picking the winners. And I totally agree – there were SO many amazing entries, and I want you to know that I appreciate each and every one of you who entered the contest.
We ended up choosing Alia & Jeff … so keep an eye out, I’ll be sending you both info on how to grab your free copies of the full program shortly.
Now, if you didn’t win, no worries … the Kettlebell Challenge Workouts program is now officially available, and we’re having a special promotion to kick things off. You can grab the full program for over 50% off for the next 72 hours or so.
Head over, get all the details and grab your copy now by clicking the link below:
=> Kettlebell Challenge Workouts special offer
Thanks and have a great weekend –
Forest Vance, MS, CPT, RKC II