New Video – Common KB Swing Mistake (and how to fix it)

I have a new video for you to check out today.

But first, I want to tell you a story about my VIP One on One Coaching Client.

She had been training on her own, using one of my kettlebell programs.

She was getting okay results, but she kept having back pain when she would do KB swings.

So she’d end up having to take a break every few weeks when she would get tweaked, and because of this, she wasn’t reaching her fitness goals.

So we started working together doing my VIP One on One Coaching program, and guess what?

Working together, going back and forth, me asking questions about her workouts and form and actually reviewing a some videos of her doing some swings, it turned out she was making the mistake shown in today’s video:

This is what was tweaking her back. This is what was keeping her from making progress. And it ended up making all the difference.

Jane has finally been able to get the results she has wanted.

And now it’s YOUR turn!

Because I’m opening up a few spots in my VIP One-on-One Coaching program.

BUT – I opened registration earlier this week, and spots are already filling fast.

So if you want in, submit your application ASAP.

Here’s how it works:

1 – Fill out the application form below. If it looks like an initial fit, we will get on the phone one on one and go over your goals, what you’ve done in the past, how it worked (or didn’t) and what your unique, individual needs and circumstances are so that we can determine if working together is a good fit.

2 – By the end of that initial conversation we’ll know if you’re a good fit for my distance coaching program and if I’m a good fit for you. I’ll tell you now that this isn’t for everyone.

3 – If we decide that we’re a fit, then I’ll take you through my assessment protocol to determine exactly how to optimize your program for maximum results.

4 – Then I’ll custom design your program, specifically to fit your personal needs and goals … and every training session will be individually designed for you. No one-size-fits-all, cookie cutter program. This is a custom designed blueprint to guarantee that you finally get the body that you want.

5 – Finally, I’ll teach you all the tricks and hacks I’ve learned through coaching tens of thousands of people to getting in the best shape of their lives. These are the scientifically backed and real world proven shortcuts will dramatically accelerate your results.

6 – Once we’ve constructed your personalized blueprint for success, we’ll optimize it each and every month as your body will be changing and progressing and make sure that you’re always following the exact plan you need to be following to move as quickly toward your goals as possible.

Apply for VIP One on One Coaching with Forest here

Coaching could be exactly what you need to blast through your plateau and take things to the next level.

Take the leap, contact me today, and let’s change your life in 2018!

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Personal Trainer

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