“Thorsday” KB Bootcamp Workout

It’s Thursday – or THORSDAY as we like to call it at FVT! – and I’m gearing up to lead a couple of boot camp workouts this afternoon / evening.

THORSDAY started a few years back – on a Thursday night – when some of the guys at a boot camp workout told me they were heading out to the bars later that night. They said they’d be sporting their tight-sleeve T shirts, and needed an extra upper body pump to look and feel their best.

The movie “Thor” has just come out, and Chris Hemsworth’s jacked-up physique was at the top of everyone’s mind 🙂

So we tacked on a special THORSDAY circuit at the end of the regular boot camp that night – and the rest is history!

So try this:


++ Grab my Basement Badass program for more workouts to get you Lean and Jacked: Basement Badass – 12 Week Home Workout Plan (discount link – on sale this week) ++

“Thorsday” KB Bootcamp Workout


Do as many reps as possible of each exercise in 30 seconds.:

– 1 arm KB press – right side – NO REST, move directly to ..
– 1 arm KB swing – right side – NO REST, move directly to ..
– walking KB lunge (with ‘bell at side in “suitcase” position) – right side – NO REST, move directly to ..
– 1 arm KB press – left side – NO REST, move directly to ..
– 1 arm KB swing – left side – NO REST, move directly to ..
– walking KB lunge (with ‘bell at side in “suitcase” position) – left side – NO REST, move directly to ..
– inverted rows
– jumping jacks

Rest approx 60 seconds between rounds; do four rounds total!


Jam through three rounds of the circuit below, resting as little as possible:

– hold chin up position over bar – :15 seconds (or as long as you can)
– hold full hang position from bar – :30 seconds (or as long as you can)
– KB towel curl – as many reps as possible in :30
– hold bottom of push up position – :30 seconds (or as long as you can)
– hold top of push up position – :30 (or as long as you can)
– KB halo with tricep extension – as many reps as possible in :30


And get yourself ready to rock for the weekend.

To your continued success! –

– Forest Vance

PS – Grab my Basement Badass program for more workouts to get you Lean and Jacked:

Basement Badass – 12 Week Home Workout Plan (discount link – on sale this week)

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