Today I’m going to give you a sample workout from my new book, The CORE Kettlebell Challenge.
(The book will be officially available to order tomorrow, stay tuned!)
One thing I know you might be thinking: what makes the CORE Kettlebell Challenge different from all the other workout books out there? And why should I get it?
Glad you asked 🙂
I think there are several things that make it different and better. I will be touching on all of them over the next few days.
One of the big ones is that, these are workouts that you can just do with one or two Kettlebells, anytime, anyplace, in about 20 minutes.
And with three or four of these workouts per week, you’re going to get everything you need from a strength and cardio and total body fitness standpoint.
For a lot of folks who I know TIME is such a big obstacle when it comes to being consistent with workouts, this is huge.
Another big one. Instead of this being a Challenge where you are focusing on pounds or inches lost, it is performance-based.
So we do a self-test at the beginning, you do a similar test midway through the Challenge, and you do it again at the end.
You test things like KB swings, KB presses, push ups, etc.
This way, you can be working towards a goal, and see quantifiable progress made.
And, as a result, you end up losing pounds and inches, and getting overall stronger and in better shape.
So are you ready for a sample workout?!?
Let’s do this:
Kettlebell Challenge Workout #8: “Maximum Risk”
5 rounds, 30 seconds on, 15-second rest between moves, 1-minute rest between rounds:
— Kettlebell Squats (recommended weight = 8k women / 16k men)
— Plank Hold
— Lunges
— One-Arm Kettlebell Rows (15 seconds per side) (recommended weight = 8k women / 16k men)
— High Knees
Now this workout is one that is a bit more on the basic side. There are workouts like this in the book, and there are also ones that are more challenging. I wanted to share this one because, I think it’s great to start with, and it appeals to a wide range of fitness levels. You can do it if you’re more just getting back into things, but it’s also easy to scale up for folks that are already at a higher fitness level.
But just because it’s simple, does not mean it’s easy.
And it’s effective! With three to four sessions like this per week, you will be well on your way to the strongest, leanest, fittest version of yourself, in the next 40 days.
Stay tuned – book will be available to order tomorrow, Thursday, December 12th.
To your success! –
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor