Welcome to part two of our series on kettlebell snatch technique. We will do a short review of what we covered last time, and will now continue on the path to learning a safe and effective kettlebell snatch.
The kettlebell snatch is a great move to improve power, increase work production, and to help you burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time.
But, the technique can be tricky!
This is part two of a three video series where I break down the form into simple steps, so that you can master the move. If you love the series, be sure to also hop over and grab your free week of my “300” Kettlebell Challenge Workouts program at the link below:
-> https://bit.ly/300kbchallengesample
I hope these videos help you improve your kettlebell snatch technique, so that you can use the movement more safely and effectively as you work towards your ultimate fitness goals.
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Expert