One can learn a lot from the old-time strongmen. They could perform incredible feats of strength. They were able to accomplish this over one hundred years ago, before many modern training methods were invented. And they had incredible physiques!
Authur Saxon was one of the most famous old-time strongmen. Here is a picture of him lifting 300lbs over his head with one hand:

Other examples of amazing feasts of strength are:
- Joe Holtom’s “cannonball catch”, where he would stand opposite to a cannon and catch the ball with his bare hands, absorbing the impact with his chest.
- The ‘French Hercules’, Pierre Gasnier breaking a metal chain that was wrapped around his rib cage
They were able to accomplish these feats of strength and incredible physiques over one hundreds years ago, before modern training methods were invented. How did they do it? Find out more in the complete course HERE. I also have a sample of what an old-time strongman workout might look like for you to check out. Some of the principles used are:
- Training for maximal strength – the idea was to be functional with your training, and actually get strong instead of just looking it
- Frequency / practice – instead of the “bro split” – type workout where you hit each muscle group once per week, to gain strength as fast as possible, they hit each muscle group much more frequently (in this example, three times per week)
- Training to get stronger, not tired or sore – so that they could come back and work out again faster, and make more rapdid strength gains
“Old Time Strongman” KB/BW/BB Workout
This workout would be repeated 3x per week. Do three to four rounds of it, “circuit” – style:
- Pull Ups – 1-10 reps, stop 2-3 reps short of failure
- Turkish Get Ups – 1 per side
- Zercher Squat – 5 (use around 75% of max, stop 2-3 reps short of failure)
- KB press – 5 per side (use around 75% of max, stop 2-3 reps short of failure)
- KB swing – 12
Finally, the old-time strongmen not only performed at a high level, but they looked incredible. They were lean and muscular. NOT jacked and swole like the ‘rioded-out bodybuilders of today, but a much more asthetically pleasing look. In order to attain this type of physique, follow the general training methods outlined in today’s article. Nutrition and other lifestyle factors are important too – learn more about all of it HERE in the full “Classic Body Now” course.
To sum up, one can learn a lot from the old-time strongmen. These men performed amazing feats of strength, before modern workouts or diet approaches or even performance enhancing drugs that so many use today. And they looked the part! For a full training plan that will show you how to train, perform, and look like an old-time strongman, check out the course at the link below:
Here’s to reaching your modern-day fitness goals using old-time training methods!
-Forest and the Team at