Got a Spartan race coming up in about a week and a half.
I’m especially pumped, ’cause this is the first one I will be doing with my wife!
Wanted to share a routine that we’ve been doing on weekends to help prepare. This workout is great for ANYONE looking for an “outside the box” total body conditioning workout, whether they are preparing for a Spartan race or not. It’s also a great compliment to your kettebell routine:
*This free backpack has been my go-to rucksack for the last few months – highly recommended:
-> Free Tactical Backpack Offer
RUCK, LIFT, SPRINT (my Sunday “Spartan prep” routine)
Ruck about 1 mile with a 20-40 pound ruck sack on your back (adjust weight, pace, etc for your fitness level and goals)
Take your ruck off, and use it to complete as many rounds as you can of the circuit below in 10 minutes:
- 5 ruck clean-to-reverse lunge
- 5 burpees
- 10 ruck squat to overhead press
5x100m sprints (beginner) 10x100m sprints (advanced) (take your ruck off for these)
(great set up: ruck to a football field; do your sprints; then move on to part 4)
Ruck about 1 mile with a 20-40 pound ruck sack on your back (adjust weight, pace, etc for your fitness level and goals)
Add this RUCK, LIFT, SPRINT workout to your weekly routine to burn more fat and take your conditioning to the next level.
To your success!
-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist
PS – This free backpack has been my go-to rucksack for the last few months – highly recommended: