I have something a little different to share with you today. I found a really interesting new product, and wanted to pass along the word:
There are lots of reasons to use them, but a big one that relates to your kettlebell and strength training is that they’re good for your testosterone levels. Studies show that chemicals in plastic products can mimic estrogen in the body and cause lower test levels, which is bad news for muscle gain, fat loss, energy, libido, and more.
If you’re trying to be healthier and avoid using plastic sandwich bags, these reusable wrappers are also perfect for you. I know I was constantly using them and creating unnecessary waste. But with these, you can just wrap your food up and be on your way. So convenient and eco-friendly!
You might not have thought of this, but plastic products could be killing your kettlebell goals! These wraps can help. Check out the link below to learn more and let me know how they work for you if you decide to give them a try:

– Forest and the FVT Team
PS – Etee Reusable Food Wraps make a great gift, ship for free, and come with a 90-day 100% money-back guarantee: