Kettlebell STX (slow-twitch X-haustion protocol) Sample

Gain strength and muscle without lifting heavier weights?

If you’ve hit a plateau in your training, this program may be just what you need to spark growth!

The Slow-Twitch X-haustion (S-T-X) Protocol is a unique training technique that departs from traditional methods.

To give you an idea of how the program works, I’ve included a sample workout using kettlebell squats below. First, you’ll select a weight with which you can perform 20-25 reps, and go to failure. After a 35-second rest, you’ll add enough weight to limit your second set to around 8 reps, and go to failure again. Finally, using the same weight, you’ll go to failure one last time after a 10-second rest.

Example workout, using kettlebell squats:

  1. Choose a weight with which you can get 20-25 reps (24k/53lbs, for example).
  2. Complete 22 reps.
  3. Rest for 35 seconds.
  4. Increase weight to 32k/70lbs for your second set.
  5. Complete 8 reps.
  6. Rest for 10 seconds.
  7. Using 32k/70lbs again, complete another 5 or so reps to failure.

As you can see, this workout will really challenge your legs. The key is that you will also get a stimulus that will help you gain strength/muscle by using the unique slow-twitch pre-exhaust technique, meaning you won’t have to use mega-poundages to achieve results.

If you’re interested in learning more about the science behind the S-T-X Protocol and the full program, I encourage you to check out the link below:

-> Gain strength and muscle, WITHOUT having to lift heavier weight

Here’s to making more injury-free GAINZ!

-Forest Vance,,

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