Shoulder pain is something that has hindered my training on and off for the last decade.
During my college and pro sports career (I played college football and had a ‘cup of coffee’ in the NFL), I had MANY injuries. I also lifted really heavy weights for more than a decade. This is when it all started.
Shortly after my sports career ended, I lost a bunch of weight (I played offensive line and was around 300 pounds when I was playing … now I hover between about 246 and 248) and got into kettlebell training (by the way, I have an AWESOME project in the works with a new and updated rapid fat loss kettlebell system coming your way next week … say tuned for that). And for a while, my shoulder pain kind of just went away …
And then, during training for my first RKC certification about four years ago, my shoulder started to bother me again. One of the RKC testing requirements, as you may know, is 100 snatches with a 24k ‘bell in five minutes … so I did a LOT of KB snatching in preparation … and I did great at the cert weekend … but my shoulder was hating me afterwards.
Now, any time I do a lot of snatches, pressing, or any kind of repeated overhead work (like we were doing in training for a mud run we completed about a month ago) – my shoulder KILLS me … and to be honest, it sucks!
If you suffer from shoulder pain like I do, I’m betting that you’re looking for any solution you can find.
So a couple of weeks ago, my friend and colleague Rick Kaselj provided me with a review copy of his new Fix My Shoulder Pain system. And I have to say, this is some good stuff. The shoulder issues I was having from the mud run training are MUCH better. And it’s due to some simple tips. I want to share my favorite one with you here today …
** Rick’s Fix My Shoulder Pain System is on a 50% sale for the next couple of days, btw … and I’ve put together a special kettlebell complex program that you’ll get as a free bonus when you grab a copy … just click here to grab your copy of the FMSP program … and forward me your email reciept when you get it … and I’ll hook you up!**
So … the quick fix to your kettlebel shoulder pain is (and this tip is straight from Rick) …
Warm Up The Muscles & Not Just The Joint
When it comes to warming up prior to a kettlebell workout, most people are not doing anything to prevent a shoulder injury – which we’ve learned is the most commonly hurt body part. You’ll see guys that are doing arm circles and arm crosses before their workout which is fine, but this does not hinder an injury. The circles and crosses help lubricate the joint but does nothing to prime up the actual muscles in the shoulder – which is what you need to do.
Quick Fix: During your warm up add resistance to wake up the muscles of the shoulder, rotator cuff and shoulder blade so they are ready to protect and prevent a shoulder injury. There are several exercises you can pick from but my favorite is the elbows back full range of motion bodyweight push-up with feet elevated on something.
Click here and scroll down a bit to see a demo of what I’m talking about:
Now – this is obviously just one quick tip, and not a complete solution – but it is a great start. Try it before your next KB workout and let me know what you think.
(Also – the full Fix My Shoulder Pain System is on a 50% sale for the next couple of days, and I’ve put together a special kettlebell complex program that I’m going to give you as a special bonus when you grab a copy … just forward me your email receipt when you get it (you can do that here) and I’ll hook you up!)
Thanks for reading, and talk soon –
Forest Vance
Level 2 Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor
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