I love OCR (obstacle course racing) events!

They are a great combo – you have to be able to run and / or hike fast uphill, but you also have to be able to climb, crawl, and carry heavy objects pretty proficently to do well.
Plus you get to exercise outdoors, you get to visit beautiful locations, and you get to be around other positive, like-minded people that are all about strength and health!
Now almost exactly a year ago, I ended up tearing my pec at the Lake Tahoe Spartan Ultra Beast event.
Got surgery to correct it in November of 2019.
And have been training hard all year to get to where I was.
That’s why I was so pumped to have completed a “virtual” Spartan Beast this last weekend!
(It’s a half marathon run, plus 30 virtual “obstacles”.)
Not the same as the real thing obviously, but it still felt great to have something to train for on the calendar, and to get it done.
One of the methods I used to get ready is we call “Hurricane” training. It’s a mash-up of high intensity conditioning moves (jump rope, step ups, running, burpees) and crawls, pulls, and carries.
(We use this method in my OCR Domination program… it’s probably my personal favorite program we’ve put together, and it’s very close to how I train myself.)
Whether you are going to be doing a real or virtual OCR event or not, this is a great method to incorporate into your program for faster fat loss, better conditioning, and improved mental toughness:
HIIT-crawl-climb-carry “Hurricane” workout
OCR Domination – week 9, day 1
90 Secs jump rope
- 30 Sec rest
90 Secs bear crawls - 30 Sec rest
90 Secs step ups - 30 Sec rest
90 Secs pull ups - 30 Sec rest
90 Secs jumping jacks - 30 Sec rest
90 Secs carries (choose your preferred from the last 8 weeks) - 30 Sec rest
90 Secs running - 30 Sec rest
90 Secs burpees - 30 Sec rest
REPEAT! (2 rounds total)
Get the full OCR Domination course here:
=>> OCR Domination
Enjoy today’s workout…
…and here’s to your continued success!
-Forest Vance
Certified Personal Trainer
Master of Science, Human Movement