I really love kettlebell isometrics!
It’s such a fun and unique program.
Plus, you get all the fat shredding, conditioning benefits of kettlebells combined with the isometrics that are so great for your joints and recovery.
Check out this sample workout from week 2 of the program, then grab your copy of the full course HERE while it’s on launch sale this week:
Kettlebell Isometrics – Week 2 / Workout 2
PART 1 – Do as many reps as you can of exercise 1 in 60 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of exercise 2 in 60 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for three rounds total:
- Single arm KB press (30 sec per side) (recommended weight = 16/20k men – 8/12k women)
- ISO – Warrior III (30 sec per side)
PART 2 – Do as many rounds as you can of the circuit below in 8 minutes:
- 8 walking lunges (w/ double KBs at sides) (per leg) (recommended weight = 12/16k men – 8/12k women) (do same leg for consecutive reps this week)
- 15 recline rows OR 8 one arm KB rows per side (recommended weight = 16/20k men – 8/12k women)
- :5-:30 ISO – chin up holds (go as long as you can!) OR :15 sec holds at TOP of KB row (try to beat your time from last week!)
PART 3 – Do as many rounds as you can of the circuit below in 8 minutes:
- 5 one arm KB swings OR 5 high pulls OR 5 snatches per side (recommended weight = 16/20k men – 8/12k women) (challenge yourself to progress!)
- 8 spider climbs (per side)
- :30 ISO – superhero hold
Try this sample workout from week 2 of the Kettlebell Isometrics program, then grab your copy of the full course at the link below while it’s on launch sale this week:
-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net