I’m getting ready to go on vacation soon and I’m really excited about it!
But one thing that can be a little tricky while on vacation is figuring out how to stay active and workout.
Bringing kettlebells on an airplane doesn’t sound like the best idea, especially with my wife who always packs way too much stuff and our two little ones in tow!
And sometimes the gyms at hotels or resorts aren’t as great as we hope they’ll be.
So, for this trip, I think I’ll focus on bodyweight workouts instead. It’s a good change for my body every now and then and it feels really nice on my joints.
There’s this program called the Warrior Zero Bodyweight Challenge that I really like. I’m planning on doing some of their workouts during this week, like the one below:
Zero-Gear Bodyweight Workout
from – Warrior Zero Bodyweight Challenge
2,3,5,8,13,21,13,8 …
You will set your timer for the duration of the Protocol; in this case 15 minutes.
Start with exercise #1 and perform 2 repetitions.
Next, exercise #2 for 2 reps, then exercises #3 for 2 reps.
You will stick with the 2 reps of each exercise until you complete 2 reps of all 8 exercises.
From there, you move on to 3 reps of all 8 exercises.
You will working through the repetitions until time expires (moving up and down the ladder). Perfect Form not Speed is the goal here.
- Hip Bridge
- Shinbox Switch
- Front Squat
- Tactical Push Up
- Spinal Rock
- Sit Thru
- Front Lunge
- Pull Press
*All exercises demoed, broken down, explained in the Warrior Zero Bodyweight Challenge course, HERE
What’s great about this workout is that you don’t need ANY equipment! No lugging around kettlebells or bands or any other gear… and not to mention, it’s totally different and one-of-a-kind.
If you’re interested in checking out the complete Warrior Zero course, you can do so by clicking on THIS LINK.
Have an amazing rest of your weekend – catch up with you soon!
–Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist