2017 is half OVER!
Figured it would be a great time to bring you the top 5 most popular ForestVance.com kettlebell workouts of 2017.
Let’s jump right in –
Top 5 Forest Vance KB Workouts of 2017
1 – Single Kettlebell Density Complex (2.1k likes)
2 – “Beat the Clock” Kettlebell Ladder Challenge (1.5k likes)
3 – 15 Minute Single KB Complex Workout (980 likes)
4 – KB Workouts for Ripped Arms (935 likes)
5 – 330 Rep Bodyweight Ladder Challenge (551 likes)
These workouts are fun, challenging, and highly effective.
If you want my personal help in designing workouts like these, specific for you and your goals, available time to train, injury history, equipment availability, and whatever else – now is the opportunity.
I am opening spots in my Elite Distance KB Coaching program this week, for a few new clients to work with for the next 90 days, and get into the best shape of their lives.
But registration shuts down tomorrow, or when I reach capasity, whichever comes first.
If you are interested, check out the details using the link below, and submit your application now:
=> Forest Vance Elite Coaching
Here’s to an even better second half of the year! –
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor