Check out this Kettlebell + Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Workout!
It’ll give you a taste of what to expect in one of our 28-day Kettlebell Challenges. We do a written version of each workout that spells out the exercises, recommended weights to use, and other details… plus I do a full video walk-through of each and every session (like this one), demoing the moves and going over tips and tricks that will help you get the best results in the least amount of time!
Click here to learn more about our upcoming 28-day Kettlebell Training Camp Challenge ->
Kettlebell + Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Workout
1 – “3/7” sets – Single Arm KB Press Start with 3 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 4 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 5 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 6 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 7 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for two to three minutes, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds.
2 – Do as many reps as you can of the first exercise in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of the second exercise in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for four sets of each move total:
Side-loaded / “suitcase” kettlebell split squat (22.5 sec per side) – add weight this week!
“3 way” push up (wide / narrow / regular) – switch positions each rep
3 – “3/7” sets – KB goblet squat
Start with 3 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 4 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 5 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 6 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 7 KB goblet squats. Rest for two to three minutes, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds.
4 – Do as many reps as you can of the first exercise in 60 seconds. Rest as little as possible, moving directly to the second exercise. Do as many reps as you can of the second exercise in 60 seconds. Repeat for four sets of each move total:
Mountain climber from low plank position
Skaters – short hop / big hop; alternate each round!
Click here to learn more about our upcoming 28-day Kettlebell Training Camp Challenge ->