Free Evatec “Hybrid” Duffel Bag + 1-to-1 Remote KB Coaching

It’s summer time!

You’d things would be slowing down by now, not so much! 😉

It’s a crazy day, but I wanted to take a second this morning to share some two updates:

First, we have the free Evatec “Hybrid” Duffel Bag promotion going on. These high-quality duffel bags can be used as your everyday carry bag and can also be converted into a backpack. I take mine with me almost everywhere I go! It’s an incredible deal, and all you need to do is cover the shipping from the seller warehouse. Click here to grab yours now –>

-> free Evatec “Hybrid” Duffel Bag

Additionally, I’m looking for 10 more people to join my kettlebell program. This program is designed to help individuals over 40 learn how to use kettlebells safely and effectively, build strength, and potentially lose up to 12 percent of their body weight over the next 12 weeks. If you’re interested, simply click the link below, fill out the interest form, and I’ll provide you with more information –>

-> One-to-One Personal KB Coaching – Looking for 10

Once I have a little more time, I will also share some insights and tips I’ve gained during some travels this summer that will really help with your kettlebell and fitness goals.

Stay tuned, have a great day! –

— Forest Vance – – –

Calories = The Biggest Lie In Weight Loss?

Have you heard people saying that calories don’t matter when trying to lose weight?

Some might say this because it sounds nice to believe, but it’s not the truth.

The truth, which may not be popular, is this: to lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body uses.

The challenge is to find out how many calories your body uses and then try to eat less than that.

In terms of science, there’s simply no other way to lose weight!

This doesn’t mean you have to count every single calorie you eat (though it can help). You also don’t need to eat fewer calories every single day.

Here’s a method I like that makes the process a LOT more straightforward:

–>> 5/2 Fat Loss Diet for KB Lifters

Instead of counting calories daily, you just fast a couple of days each week. This reduces your calorie intake by about 15-20% all at once.

Fasting also has other health benefits. It can help improve your blood levels, keep your heart healthy, and may help you live longer.

Whatever approach you take though, just remember – if you want to lose body fat, you must eat fewer calories than your body uses. The key is to find a method that works for YOU and YOUR lifestyle, goals, etc… and that you can STICK TO IT over a long period of time!

To your success –

-Forest Vance — Master of Science, Human Movement — Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist —

PS – ANY diet approach – whether it’s:





ALL these diets can help with fat loss, but at the end of the day, they work because they help you eat fewer calories than your body uses.

For the best results, choose a method that works for you and that you can stick to for a long time!

If you’re still struggling to find one that works, try this:

–>> 5/2 Fat Loss Diet for KB Lifters

“330” Bodyweight Ladder Challenge

If you’re constantly on the move or find it challenging to squeeze in gym sessions, bodyweight training is the perfect solution.

–>> Triple your strength, save your joints and gain 7-10 pounds of lean muscle with Bodyweight Beast Building

Give this 330 bodyweight ladder challenge a shot. It’s an incredibly effective method to incinerate fat, develop lean muscle, and enhance overall body strength.

330 Rep Bodyweight Ladder Challenge

VERSION 1 (suitable for beginners and intermediates)

  • Begin with 1 push up
  • Followed by 2 recline rows
  • Complete 3 bodyweight squats


  • Do 2 push ups
  • Proceed with 4 recline rows
  • Finish with 6 bodyweight squats


  • Advance to 3 push ups
  • Continue with 6 recline rows
  • Wrap up with 9 bodyweight squats

… continue this pattern (increasing push ups by one rep, rows by two, and squats by three) until you reach 10 push ups, 20 rows, and 30 squats. Aim to complete this as quickly as possible.

–>> Get more simple bodyweight only workouts for athletic muscle in Bodyweight Beast Building – check out the full course here (on sale this week)

VERSION 2 (suitable for intermediates and advanced)

  • Start with 1 pull up
  • Followed by 2 push ups
  • Complete 3 bodyweight squats


  • Perform 2 pull ups
  • Proceed with 4 push ups
  • Finish with 6 bodyweight squats


  • Advance to 3 pull ups
  • Continue with 6 push ups
  • Wrap up with 9 bodyweight squats

… continue this pattern (increasing pull ups by one rep, push ups by two, and squats by three) until you reach 10 pull ups, 20 push ups, and 30 squats. Aim to complete this as quickly as possible.

If you enjoyed this workout, be sure to check out my comprehensive training plan, Bodyweight Beast Building.

With workouts like this, you’ll not only obliterate body fat and build lean muscle, but also enhance your speed and athleticism simultaneously.

–>> Triple your strength, save your joints and gain 7-10 pounds of lean muscle with Bodyweight Beast Building

Wishing you great success on your fitness journey!

-Forest and the FVT Team at

Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness: Why Slow and Controlled Movements Aren’t Enough After 50

To celebrate my 42nd birthday, I’m offering a special sale on several of my popular kettlebell courses this week. Each course will be on sale for one day only before returning to its regular price. Today, the spotlight is on Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness for Over 50’s! Get it now on discount at the link below:

-> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0

A recent conversation with a new over-50 client got me thinking about a common misconception that slow, controlled movements are the only safe option for aging individuals.

While there is certainly a time and place for such exercises, it’s also important to incorporate faster movements to develop power.

As we age, power training can improve our reflexes, balance, and ability to avoid falls. Kettlebells are an excellent tool for this purpose, because moves like kettlebell swings challenge the glutes and hamstrings to contract quickly, teaching the body to generate power.

To learn how to perform kettlebell exercises properly and safely, check out Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0, which includes instructional videos and training plans designed to improve mobility, reduce pain, and increase energy levels, specifically for people over 50. The program is currently on sale for my 42nd birthday, and can be purchased at the link below:

-> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0

Let’s get stronger, leaner, and more energetic together in 2023!

-Forest Vance, Master of Science – Human Movement, Certified Kettlebell Instructor,

PS – When you purchase today, you’ll also get two additional bonus kettlebell-based training plans designed to help you stay pain-free while doing what you love, eliminate the effects of aging, and feel 20 years younger:

-> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0

A Quick Morning Stretch Routine to Compliment Kettlebells

Every morning, I make it a point to do a quick mobility routine to compliment my kettlebell training. I’m not as flexible as I used to be 20 years ago, but that’s where this routine comes in. Not only does it help with flexibility and recovery, but it also clears my mind for the day ahead. I pull my routines from a bunch of different places, but one of my favorites is the 28-day Flexibility Challenge program that I shared with you yesterday. One of my favorites includes:

  • Standing straddle with alternating toe reach – 3 sets of 10 reps per side
  • Lying piriformis stretch – 3 sets of 10 reps per side
  • Standing forward fold “head to toe” stretch – 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Toe flex – 3 sets of 10 reps per side
  • “Drop stance” hip flexor stretch – 3 sets of 15 reps per side
  • Seated straddle split stretch – 3 sets of 15 reps per side
  • Standing quad stretch – 3 sets of 20 reps per side
  • Lying abdominal stretch – 3 sets of 15 reps

You can find the full exercise demos in the 28-day hyperbolic stretching challenge. After just a month of doing this routine, you’ll notice a major improvement in your flexibility, mobility, mindset, and just overall life. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

–> Click here for the 28-day Flexibility Challenge

-Forest Vance,

Mix Up Your Cardio with this Sandbag / Duffelbag Conditioning Workout:

Our personal training studio in Kansas City is located next door to an awesome strength gym. Even though we have our own entrance and signage, we technically sublease from them and share some amenities like bathrooms. Recently, the owners, whom I’ve come to know over the last few months, informed me of a powerlifting meet they are hosting in May, which I decided to participate in. It’ll be my first official powerlifting competition, and I’m really excited about it.

However, if you follow my emails, blog or social media posts, you may know that I’m also into distance events, like Spartan races. I’m considering doing a 50k Spartan Ultra Beast event later this year, which seems to be at odds with my powerlifting goals. Nevertheless, I’ve found a way to balance both by reducing my running mileage while maintaining my conditioning level with unorthodox workouts, like the sandbag/duffelbag conditioning workout I’m going to share with you today.

*Check out the duffelbag at the link below – load it up with books / old clothes / etc and you’ve got yourself a functional sandbag – plus it’s free when you order using the link below (just pay shipping):

-> Evatec Hybrid Duffel Bag – Free + Shipping Offer


Mix Up Your Cardio with this Sandbag / Duffelbag Conditioning Workout

Keep going for as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes, and you can take breaks if you need to. Perform the following exercises:

  • alternating reverse lunge (hold the bag in front of your chest) – 8 reps per side
  • plank with pull-through (start with the bag outside your left hand, then pull it through to your right side and repeat, alternating sides each time) – 8 reps per side
  • elevated push ups (using the bag to elevate one hand on the floor) – 12 reps per side
  • one-arm rows (use the bag for weight) – 12 reps per side


If you’re looking for a different type of workout, check out this great fat-burning and muscle-building duffel/sandbag session!

Plus, check out the duffelbag at the link below – load it up with books / old clothes / etc and you’ve got yourself a functional sandbag – plus it’s free when you order using the link below (just pay shipping):

-> Evatec Hybrid Duffel Bag – Free + Shipping Offer

Here’s to your success! –

Forest and the Forest Vance Training Team at and

4 tips to boost testosterone through diet for men over 40

In yesterday’s article, we talked about how over the last two decades, a man’s average testosterone levels have dropped by a staggering 25% across all ages.

Today, I want to share some tips on how men over 40 can boost testosterone through changes to their diet.

(I also told the story of how I “crashed out” my test levels a couple of years ago… the tips in today’s article, as well as using a specific meal plan that incorporated them into a done-for-you plan, is how I fixed it. I seriously considered the TRT route. But so far, with changes to my diet, training, rest, recovery, and lifestyle, I’ve been able to postpone that… and the goal is to do so as long as possible!)

4 tips to boost testosterone through diet for men over 40

1 – Incorporate More Zinc-Rich Foods into Your Diet

Zinc is a vital mineral that helps to support healthy testosterone production. Consuming foods rich in zinc, such as oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, and spinach, can help to improve your testosterone levels. It is important to note that the body cannot store zinc, so it’s essential to consume it regularly.

2 – Increase Your Intake of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in testosterone production. It is challenging to get enough vitamin D from diet alone, but consuming foods that are fortified with vitamin D, such as fatty fish, and spending time in the sun can help. Taking vitamin D supplements is also an option.

3 – Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact testosterone levels. Alcohol can interfere with testosterone production and increase estrogen levels, leading to a decrease in testosterone. Men over 40 who want to boost their testosterone levels should limit their alcohol consumption or avoid alcohol altogether.

4 – Eat More Healthy Fats

Healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are necessary for testosterone production. Foods rich in these healthy fats include olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds. Consuming these foods as part of a balanced diet can help to support healthy testosterone production.


In conclusion, maintaining healthy testosterone levels is essential for men’s health, especially for men over 40. By incorporating more zinc-rich foods, increasing your intake of vitamin D, limiting alcohol consumption, and eating more healthy fats, you can support healthy testosterone production, leading to improved health and well-being.

If you want the full done-for-you meal plan to boost testosterone for men over 40 through your diet, click the link below:

–>> Testosterone-Boosting Diet for Men 40+

To your success!

-Forest Vance, Master of Science – Human Movement, Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach, Over 40 Specialist

Sample Day Of The 28-day Flexibility Challenge

My flexibility routine is an essential part of my day!

Whether I’m looking to improve kinesthetic awareness, reduce muscle soreness, or enhance my performance levels during a workout session, I rely on flexibility movements to get me there.

I’ve made it a habit to practice my stretching series each morning for nearly 10 years now, and I rarely miss it. Because I know that when I do fall off, my results will be affected in more ways than one!…

To give you an idea of what this looks like, here’s the example of a typical 28-day hyperbolic stretching challenge optimization program:

  • Standing straddle with alternating toe reach – 3x:10 per side
  • Lying piriformis stretch – 3x:10 per side
  • Standing forward fold “head to toe” stretch – 3x:20
  • Toe flex – 3x:10 per side
  • “Drop stance” hip flexor stretch – 3x:15 per side
  • Seated straddle split stretch – 3x:15 per side
  • Standing quad stretch – 3x:20 per side
  • Lying abdominal stretch – 3x:15

*Full exercise demos are in the 28-day hyperbolic stretching challenge

If you’re looking to improve your flexibility in just a few minutes a day, the Hyperbolic Stretching 28-day Challenge is a great option. I highly recommend taking this program. Click here to try it now!

Here’s to your success incorporating a daily stretching routine! –

– Forest Vance, certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, Master of Science – Human Movement and Kettlebell Expert

28-day Kettlebell Drop a Size QnA

I have been getting a lot of questions about the upcoming 28-day Kettlebell Drop a Size Challenge 3.0 that’s kicking off this coming Monday the 13th.

I am really excited to help people drop up to one clothes size over the next 28 days, while gaining muscle and reducing pain / injuries in the process!

Here are answers to a few of the questions, in case you’re thinking about signing up, but are still on the fence:

Q – I would like to purchase the 28 Day K bell challenge but wondered if there is s a hard start date or can I purchase and start whenever?

A – We do start as a group on Monday March 13th, but you’ll have lifetime access to the materials and you can start and do the workouts at any time.

Q – Just wondering if the 28 day program includes videos to follow along with?

A – The challenge does include a series of 12 full-length workout videos in follow along format!

Learn more and join us for the Challenge here:

–>> 28-day Drop a Size Challenge 3.0

Q – Not interested in a challenge, or losing weight, but would be interested in receiving the workouts you planned.

A – You can absolutely do the challenge and get great workouts and make amazing progress, even if your goal is not rapid fat loss!

Q – I spend time programming for our players. I’m looking for something where I do not have to spend (additional) time programming for myself. Especially KBs.

A – Yes – in the 28-day Challenge, all the programming is 100% done for you!… including exactly what to do every day for sets, reps, kettlebell exercises, etc. I have many trainers and coaches that follow my programming. There are also several additional bonus kettlebell plans that you get free on signing up!

Learn more and join us for the Challenge here:

–>> 28-day Drop a Size Challenge 3.0

If you have any questions about your specific situation, goals, or needs, respond directly to this message and I’ll do my best to help.

Look forward to working with you! –

-Forest and the FVT Team

How To Double Your Push Ups In Just 30 Days!

A couple of years ago, I participated in a 30-day Challenge.

As part of the Challenge, we would do push ups every morning.

We used a structured and progressive system that gradually increased the number of push ups each day for 30 days. This method reminded me of the “Push Up Mastery” guide, which you get for free when you purchase the Physique Zero program.

The “2x Your Push Ups in 30 Days” plan is part of the Physique Zero program that uses a specific progression system of increasing and decreasing total reps and volume daily. This plan can help individuals significantly improve their push up ability in 30 days. For instance, I increased my push up ability by following this program, and I believe anyone who follows it precisely can do the same or even double the amount of push ups they can do in one go.

To give you an idea, here’s a brief example of the program’s first three days:

DAY 1 Set 1: 5 Set 2: 5 Set 3: 10 Set 4: 5

DAY 2 Set 1: 20 Set 2: 10 Set 3: 10 Set 4: 8

DAY 3 Set 1: 8 Set 2: 15 Set 3: 8 Set 4: 8

The “2x Your Push Ups in 30 Days” plan has a beginner and advanced version, so you can choose the plan that fits your current fitness level. You’ll need to see the full program to understand how it works, but this brief overview gives you an idea of what to expect.

To access the detailed plan that can help you improve your push up ability and a full at-home bodyweight strength program, click the link below:

-> “Physique Zero” Pull Up Progression Method + Full “2x Your Push Ups in 30 Days” plan

Here’s to doubling your push ups in 30 days!

-Forest Vance Master of Science, Human Movement Over 40 Training Specialist