3 Great Suspension Trainer Exercises For Abs

Suspension trainers are the perfect compliment to your kettlebell training.

One of the reasons suspension trainers and kettlebells go together like pieces of a puzzle is because suspension trainers give you great, unique, new and fun ways to work your abs.

If you’re looking to blast your belly fat, then these 3 killer suspension trainer exercises are for you. Let’s get to it!

*If you like these suspension trainer ab exercises, you’ll LOVE Suspension Revolution 2.0. Suspension Revolution 2.0 is a great course that provides 27 full workouts and 191 different exercises to choose from. Learn more at the link below:

-> Suspension Revolution 2.0


3 Great Suspension Trainer Exercises For Abs

The Atomic Push-Up

The Atomic Push-Ups using TRX will have you feeling the burn! Not only does this killer core exercise blast your abs but it also works your shoulders, chest and hip flexors. If you’re a beginner, don’t feel discouraged: just knock out the push-ups with your knees on the ground.

Hamstring Runners

These look like a mountain climber on your back, targeting those hamstrings. Plus, because you’re in the hip raise position, you’ll be feeling the fire in your glutes, lower back, AND core. Want to level up? Move your feet away from the anchor point to increase resistance. To make it easier, bring both legs in together.

Suspension Trainer Side Planks

This exercise is awesome for working your abs, especially those tough to target obliques. But here’s the thing: with suspension trainer side planks, you’re really taking it to the next level, because your feet aren’t stable on the floor.


If you’re looking for a great way to work your abs, suspension training is a great option. These three exercises are a great starting point. If you’re looking for even more exercises, Suspension Revolution 2.0 is a great course that provides 27 full workouts and 191 different exercises to choose from. Learn more at the link below:

-> Suspension Revolution 2.0

-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net

Homemade Protein Bars (recipe)

If you’re like me, you love protein bars.

I could easily eat two or three per day!

But, a lot of commercial protein bars are loaded with sugar, and they can be pretty pricey.

That’s why I wanted to share this homemade protein bars recipe with you!

It’s one of my favorites, and it’s a perfect grab-and-go snack for after your workout or any time. These bars have all the good stuff and none of the bad. Plus, they cost less than 50 cents per bar to make!

Give them a try and let me know what you think:


Homemade Protein Bars – from the “Anabolic Cooking” cookbook

Makes 5 Bars


— 6-8 scoops chocolate protein powder

— 1 cup oatmeal

— 1/3 cup natural peanut butter

— 3 tbsp honey

— 1/2 cup 1% milk

— 3 tbsp crushed peanuts


— Mix together the protein powder, oatmeal, peanut butter, honey and milk.

— Form into 5 bars and then roll in the crushed peanuts to finish.

— Place in the fridge for about 30 mins

Nutritional Facts

(Per Serving – 1 Bar)

— Calories: 452

— Protein: 50g

— Carbohydrates: 36g

— Fat: 12g


Since the end of 2006, when I started working full time in the fitness industry, I have had conversations with clients most every working day who are looking to lose fat.

I can’t tell you how many times people are pretty dialed in with their kettlebell workouts, but they are just not getting the fat loss results, and they can’t figure out why.

Nine times out of ten, it comes down to nutrition. This is the missing puzzle piece from most people’s kettlebell fitness program.

And here’s the thing – the short-term diets DO work to get you quick results.

But you always have to remember – however you GET to your goals, that’s how you have to MAINTAIN them.

That’s why it’s so important to find an approach that is going to be manageable with your lifestyle, and do-able for you for the long term.

Learning how to make a few healthy, tasty recipes that are going to work for you and your family goes a LONG way towards that.

That’s why I love Anabolic Cooking.

It’s a nutrition program that’s based around meals that you’re going to actually like to eat.

There are over 200 recipes that you can pick from!…

Here are a few of my personal favorites:

— Vanilla Cream Oatmeal
— High Protein Pancakes
— Classic Denver Omelette
— Grilled Turkey Club
— Grilled Tex Mex Chicken
— Beef Teriyaki
— 15 Quick n Easy Tuna Recipes

Following these simple and delicious recipes make it easy to lose fat and maintain your lean physique, in a way that is sustainable for your lifestyle.

Check out the program and pick up a copy here -> “Anabolic Cooking”

I highly recommend it!


– Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net

How To Do The “Couch” Stretch For Tight Hips

If your hips are anything like mine, they’re always tight. I’m not sure if it’s from heavy lifting, running, or just sitting at a desk all day, but whatever the reason, I definitely feel it when I don’t stay on top of my flexibility and mobility.

The “couch stretch” is a great stretch for tight hips, and the best part is that you can do it while you’re watching your favorite TV show!



– Start by standing in front of a couch or chair
– Put your back foot on the couch and keep your front leg on the ground
– Drop your back knee to the floor
– Point the back toe
– Squeeze your glutes, and the glute of the up leg in particular, to stabilize your lower back and correctly position the hip joint
– With the butt squeezed, dril the front of the hip towards the ground
– Work on this daily for at least 60 seconds per side


If you want to improve your hip flexors, try doing the Couch Stretch every day for a week. Just 60 seconds each leg, each day. You’ll probably notice a difference after a week of doing this. But if you still feel like your hip flexors are too tight, you might need to do more than just this stretch. If you are looking for a full routine to help with your tight hip flexors, I also recommend you check out:

–>> complete Hip Mobility routine ?

– Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

PS – If you spend a lot of time sitting, you’re probably familiar with tight hips. This is because your body tends to adapt to the postures and movement patterns that you do most often.

Tight hips can be a real problem, causing joint pain, bad posture, reduced workout performance, and more.

To help loosen up tight hips, people often try static stretches, rolling around with a tennis ball, or other methods. But these methods don’t usually work very well and can even make the problem worse.

The best way to loosen up the hips is to attack the muscle from a variety of angles using different exercises and stretching techniques. This allows you to “unpack” the muscle in the right way. Some of these techniques include:

  • PNF stretching
  • Dynamic stretching
  • 3-dimensional core stability exercises
  • Mobility exercises
  • Fascia stretching
  • Muscle activation movements

The last thing you need to do is figure out how to combine all of these methods effectively. Fortunately, I have the perfect solution for you. Just follow the Hip Mobility routine linked below and you’ll be feeling better in no time. It’s a practical, easy-to-follow program that will help you release your hip flexors for more strength, better health, and all-day energy. You can get all the details and start right away at the link below:

-> complete Hip Mobility routine ?

12-Minute Bodyweight Ninja Cardioflow: My Super Quick, Go-To

Wow – can you believe it’s already 6 days into 2023?

It’s starting to feel like the New Year is really getting underway. I hope yours is off to a great start!

I know mine is already pretty hectic. We’re opening a new studio space here in KC, plus I’m still running my business in Sacramento, CA, and all the online stuff we do… But thankfully, the weekend is almost here!

When I’m short on time, I sometimes have to do a shorter workout at home. But that’s okay – I know I can still get a good workout in even if I’m not at the gym.

Kettlebells are an obvious option, but I also like to incorporate bodyweight work into my routine!

This is a bodyweight ninja cardioflow workout in the style of the new Forbidden Fitness – Secrets of a Modern Day Ninja Warrior program.

It blends together high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with calisthenics for a challenging and fun workout that can be done anywhere, with no equipment needed.

The best part is that you can tailor the workout to your own fitness level, making it perfect for beginners or experienced athletes alike.

Give this Cardioflow a try today – your body will thank you:

-> 28 Day “Ninja Cardioflow” bodyweight workout plan


Bodyweight Ninja Cardioflow Workout

12 Minute “Ninja Cardio” Flow Workout

Bucket Drops (30 seconds)
Spinal Rocks (30 seconds)
Mountain Climbers (30 seconds)
Spinal Rocks (30 seconds)
Front Lunge (30 seconds)
Spinal Rocks (30 seconds)

Rest approx 60 seconds; repeat for 3 rounds total.

Check out the full program here for the video that shows you how to do the workout


This article provides a full bodyweight workout that you can do anywhere, called Ninja Cardioflow. The workout is designed to give you a great cardio workout and to help improve your balance and coordination. To get the full Ninja Cardioflow workout program, visit the link below:

-> 28 Day “Ninja Cardioflow” bodyweight workout plan

You’ll get:

– the 28 Day Ninja Cardioflow program (check out a sample workout here) – when these neurologically challenging movements are performed circuit-style — as in Ninja Cardio — they’ll give you a hell of a workout and burn a boatload of calories in a very short time
– Fighting Flexibility – video training on how to get your body moving like a Ninja
– Stick Mobility – if you want more flexible wrists, if too much computer time has you seizing up, get yourself a broomstick and try these drills
– Beyond Push Ups – follow the progression as outlined in the video to explore a wide variety of pushup variations
– Beyond Sit Ups – follow the progression as outlined in the video to explore a wide variety of situp variations
– Ankle Strength – 26 minute video tutorial, sets out to restore the full, healthy range of motion of the ankles

I have reviewed the program, it gets my stamp of approval.

Learn more and order now at the link below:

-> 28 Day “Ninja Cardioflow” bodyweight workout plan

To your success! –

– Forest Vance

An ode to kettlebells: Happy New Year and a 6-week fat loss challenge

Happy New Year!

I used to go pretty hard on New Year’s Eve, but nowadays it’s a lot more low-key. We’re going to do some fun family stuff today and then probably just chill at home and watch the festivities. The kids get excited about it every year, but we usually all end up getting too tired and turn in early. Maybe we’ll make it until midnight this year though, fingers crossed! 😉

This is a also a great time of year to think about our goals and renew our commitment to our health and fitness. If your goals for the New Year include fat loss, be sure to check out upcoming “20 in 6” Kettlebell Challenge:

->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

Then read this ode to kettlebells and the New Year to give you some extra motivation to get going 🙂

An ode to kettlebells: Happy New Year and a 6-week fat loss challenge

Happy New Year!
Time to shed the old and weak,
And start fresh with a new body,
Fit and fierce and sleek.

Join my kettlebell challenge,
Six weeks of sweat and pain,
To crush your goals and thrive,
And watch the pounds wane.

With discipline and dedication,
You’ll conquer the iron,
A stronger, fitter, better version,
Of the person you were before.

So come on and join the fight,
Together we’ll reach the top,
Lose twenty pounds in six weeks,
And kick off the new year with a rock.


I hope this article inspired you to pick up a kettlebell and get fit in the New Year. Have a great time celebrating and be safe! And if you’re looking for a challenge, check out our “20 in 6” Kettlebell Challenge at the link below:

->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

Thanks for reading!

Forest Vance – ForestVanceTraining.com – KettlebellBasics.net

How to Overcome Late Night Eating Cravings and Urges

Kettlebell training is a great option for those looking to lose fat. In addition to being a great workout, kettlebells can help increase your metabolism and burn more calories.

However, nutrition is also a key component of any weight loss plan. And as aspect of nutrition that many people struggle with is late night cravings and hunger pangs.

Late night eating is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, such as stress, boredom, or even just habit. But if you’re looking to lose weight or improve your overall health, then you need to find a way to combat those late night cravings and urges. In this article, I’m going to give you seven tips and tricks that will help you do just that!


— If you find the tips on How to Overcome Late Night Eating Cravings and Urges in today’s article helpful, sign up for my upcoming 20 pounds in 6 weeks Challenge. I’ll give you the kettlebell workouts, the nutrition plan, AND the accountability / coaching / mindset work / support / etc you need to accomplish your goal! Click here to learn more and sign up now ->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge


How to Overcome Late Night Eating Cravings and Urges:

1 – Identify the underlying cause: Late night cravings may be triggered by hunger, boredom, stress, or habit. Identifying the root cause can help you address the problem at its source.

2 – Plan ahead: If you know you tend to get hungry or crave certain foods late at night, try to plan ahead and have healthy snacks on hand. This can help you avoid reaching for unhealthy options.

3 – Avoid keeping trigger foods in the house: If you know that certain foods are particularly tempting for you late at night, try not to keep them in the house. This can help you avoid the temptation altogether.

4 – Drink water: Sometimes, late night cravings can be a sign of dehydration. Try drinking a glass of water before reaching for a snack.

5 – Practice mindful eating: If you do decide to have a late night snack, try to be mindful of what you’re eating and why. Take your time, pay attention to the flavors and textures, and try to savor the experience.

6 – Find alternative ways to cope with emotions: If late night cravings are triggered by emotions such as stress or boredom, try finding alternative ways to cope with these emotions. This could include activities such as exercise, meditation, or talking to a friend.

7 – Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can contribute to late night cravings, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough rest. Try to establish a regular sleep routine and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.


Kettlebell training is a great option for those looking to lose fat. In addition to being a great workout, kettlebells can help increase your metabolism and burn more calories.

However, nutrition is also a key component of any weight loss plan. And as aspect of nutrition that many people struggle with is late night cravings and hunger pangs.

If you’re looking to lose weight or improve your overall health, then you need to find a way to combat those late night cravings and urges. The tips in today’s article should help you do just that!

If you found the tips on How to Overcome Late Night Eating Cravings and Urges in today’s article helpful, sign up for my upcoming 20 pounds in 6 weeks Challenge. I’ll give you the kettlebell workouts, the nutrition plan, AND the accountability / coaching / mindset work / support / etc you need to accomplish your goal! Click here to learn more and sign up now:

->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

Forest Vance

20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Kettlebell Challenge

Hey, it’s time to get in shape!

Losing weight is tough, but we can help you out.

With our kettlebell workouts, personalized meal plans and support from our team, you can lose up to 20 pounds in just 6 weeks!

The FVT 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks KB Challenge kicks off in a few short days. You can join us at our location in Sacramento, CA or participate online from anywhere in the world.

Registration is live now, so sign up now at the link below!

->> FVT – 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks KB Challenge

-Forest and the FVT Team – ForestVanceTraining.com – KettlebellBasics.net

Snatch Technique for Over 40 + Need Your Help:

NEW VIDEO – If you’re looking for a way to ease up on your body and joints while still being able to perform kettlebell snatches effectively, then today’s tip is for you! Check out the new video breaking down the technique below:

While I got ya, can you also help me with a quick favor?

See, the main reason I do what I do, is to help you get the results you desire!

But I always want to help more…

…and this is where you come in!

I’d love to give you more of exactly what you want over the coming weeks and months – in terms of program and service offerings – and the best way I know how is to simply ask.

So here is the favor I ask of you:

Can you do me a quick favor and fill out the survey below?

-> Quick Favor + Free Gift

Then, I will look at this as we develop new content, programs, service offerings, and more in the coming weeks and months.

Sound cool?

Thanks so much!!

-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Expert

PS – I even have a little surprise gift that you’ll get when you fill out the survey as my way of saying thanks… but you’ll have to take it to see what it is! 🙂

-> Quick Favor + Free Gift

Sneaky Carbs: 5 Worst Foods To Eat If You’re Trying To Lose

Today, I want to talk about a common issue that can sabotage people new to the keto lifestyle – what I call “Sneaky Carbs”.

It’s very important to keep your carbohydrate intake low on the keto diet. The exact number varies depending on the source, but a good guideline is that you should consume 50 grams or less of carbohydrates daily to stay in ketosis. If you’re regularly kettlebell training, you may be able to get away with consuming slightly more carbs, but 50 grams is still not much. And it can add up quickly!

That’s why you have to be careful for hidden, “Sneaky Carbs” in certain foods that may SEEM keto-friendly, but are actually loaded with sugars.

Here are 5 of some of the worst and most surprising examples:

1 – Milk substitutes (almond milk / soy milk etc)
2 – Yogurt
3 – Salad dressing
4 – BBQ sauce
5 – Protein bars

To be successful on the keto diet, you need to understand what you’re eating. That means looking at the nutrition facts for everything you eat and drink.

It can be a bit of work in the beginning, but it does get easier with practice. And this is crucial for success because small tips and tricks like this can make all the difference between success and failure.

-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net

PS – If you want to give the keto diet a go, I recommend the course at the link below:

-> 28 Day Keto Challenge

This program will give you a complete, step-by-step plan of exactly what to do. A big reason I see people fail is lack of planning, and this course will give you:

— Diet basics
— Meal plans
— Tips for curbing cravings
— How to stay in ketosis
— How to calculate your macros
— Beating the keto flu
— How to incorporate intermittent fasting with keto
— How to deal with social situations on keto

…and much more!

The keto diet can be a way to jumpstart your weight loss journey. If you’re thinking of trying it, having a plan is crucial for success, so I highly recommend checking this out:

-> 28 Day Keto Challenge

20-minute Duffel / Sandbag Workout

Sandbag training is a powerful way to level up your strength and get shredded quickly!

The great part about it is that it’s also a lot of fun.

Now, if you don’t have access to an actual sandbag, there’s no need to worry. We can easily replicate the same workout with a duffel bag.

To make things simple, I personally would just use one of these free duffels (I use mine every day!) and fill it with some light weights or anything that has some weight to it that will give you a bit of challenge.

20-minute Duffel / Sandbag Workout

Keep going for as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes, and you can take breaks if you need to. Perform the following exercises:

  • alternating reverse lunge (hold the bag in front of your chest) – 8 reps per side
  • plank with pull-through (start with the bag outside your left hand, then pull it through to your right side and repeat, alternating sides each time) – 8 reps per side
  • elevated push ups (using the bag to elevate one hand on the floor) – 12 reps per side
  • one-arm rows (use the bag for weight) – 12 reps per side

If you’re looking for a different type of workout, check out this great fat-burning and muscle-building 20-minute duffel/sandbag session!

Plus, we’ve got a special free offer on EVATEC Duffel Bags – just click the link below:

-> Free EVATEC Duffel Bag Offer (you just pay shipping)

Here’s to your success! –

Forest and the Forest Vance Training Team at ForestVanceTraining.com and KettlebellBasics.net